
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2018


schizophrenia is a group of disseases, that affect the perception of the sufferer, so him can not differentiate of what is real and what's not(psicosis), sometimes hearing voices, believing something firmly (delusions), etc. STATISTICS SAYs that at least 1% of the world pouplation have this dissease, no matter the age, the gender, the raze, to schizophrenia we are all equals. Most of the cases between the 15 to 30 stars to show the symptoms, I don't know the cause of the illnes but is said that ones of it are heditary's or ambient's factors. I is important to start a treatment as soon as it can be, so there will be more posibilities to respond well to it, and try to normalize the functional levels,farmacologically is treated with antipsicotics, but the objetives are to find the optimist dose to treat it, it also can be used psicotherapy to help the patient to recognise the dissease ore make him talk and let express. obviously it has an impact on the life of the sic

post graduate studies

I haven't thought about it yet cause I'm just a freshman at the career of chemistry, but when I finish my major, and before I get my degree I would like to do a postgraduate studies, and do an specialization on a certain area of chemistry, I want to do it on organic chemistry, cause it's my favourite part of this science and the one that made me fall in love with it. I would do the program of Ph degree of chemistry to complement with my studies of organic, because now on if you don't have a post graduate studies, it's harder to find job because specialized people are more qualified. Like I said before I haven't done a lot of research about this courses, and I don't know all the options available for me when I graduate. One thing I know for sure is that I would ove to do my post studies on another country, because I think that standing in Chile is not an option, because I would get stuck and not look forward for more, the country I don't know which ma