post graduate studies

I haven't thought about it yet cause I'm just a freshman at the career of chemistry, but when I finish my major, and before I get my degree I would like to do a postgraduate studies, and do an specialization on a certain area of chemistry, I want to do it on organic chemistry, cause it's my favourite part of this science and the one that made me fall in love with it.

I would do the program of Ph degree of chemistry to complement with my studies of organic, because now on if you don't have a post graduate studies, it's harder to find job because specialized people are more qualified.

Like I said before I haven't done a lot of research about this courses, and I don't know all the options available for me when I graduate. One thing I know for sure is that I would ove to do my post studies on another country, because I think that standing in Chile is not an option, because I would get stuck and not look forward for more, the country I don't know which maybe an european one.

I'd like to study half time, because I would still be studying to get my degree on Chemistry, so I would have to do both things at the same time.


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