I want to change my world

I don´t really know what to do about thing that must be chang around me, but I still have some thougts about it. Like for example, the fact tha we have english to late, or classes in general. Getting out at 8 or  9 PM, it is considerating that I live very far, every day a I get tired , university tires you up, college is so  stressful and has long days, from mornings to late afternoon. They  always, says that we should have time to study, do the all the courses and rest, but they overcharge you.

About, the faculty buildings, I think they are useless when it rains,theer is nowhere when you can hide from the rain and it's not full. Also the library is full, so it is also hard to find a place to study quiet, I think the faculty is small to all the people in it.

about the technology, I can't really give my opinion about it because we haven't get acces to the most complex materials to labs. So there is not much to say. We have computers and everything, but also not enough.

About a teaching method, I have one in particular that I don't really like, are the papers, of introduction to the career, because sometimes most papers are not so easy, with themes that you don't really understand, but I would have to present it like I knew. 


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