
English in my life

I have had english in my life since I was very little, to be honest at my school english was ne of the most important subjects, and it was very demanding, so I'm lucky to say I had a very good base of this language. Also I've always been good watching american and british's TV series, and most of the times I barely read the subtitles cause I can understand what they are saying. I also read a lot of comics that hasn't been translated to spanish yet, so I don't trust a lot on the google translator, so I translate by myself, and it's more easier. Also english helps me with the paper I have to read for my career which are all in english. well I think that kearning English at the Universty has been a dinamic expericence outside the science and all that kind of thngs. I like the part when they make s interact between each other and develop our speaking skills, because is a very important part of the comunication these days, and most people are ashamed of their englis

I want to change my world

I don´t really know what to do about thing that must be chang around me, but I still have some thougts about it. Like for example, the fact tha we have english to late, or classes in general. Getting out at 8 or  9 PM, it is considerating that I live very far, every day a I get tired , university tires you up, college is so  stressful and has long days, from mornings to late afternoon. They  always, says that we should have time to study, do the all the courses and rest, but they overcharge you. About, the faculty buildings, I think they are useless when it rains,theer is nowhere when you can hide from the rain and it's not full. Also the library is full, so it is also hard to find a place to study quiet, I think the faculty is small to all the people in it. about the technology, I can't really give my opinion about it because we haven't get acces to the most complex materials to labs. So there is not much to say. We have computers and everything, but also not enou

Answering Relevant Questions

What is your opinion about violence on television? I think that violence on television depends on the person, to some people see blood is violence must not be accepted, and the reason is always the kids, the kids will get bad influence, it will develop psicotic behavior in him, but I think parents are always trying to blame the others about something it's their fault, the y should be the only persons tha control what their child watch and how he peceive the world, parents should accompany their kids and not just let them watch TV, and let the TV do their job. What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana and other drugs? Some people say legalizing marijuana is for medical use, but some people that think that doesn´t want it for medical use, the truth is that the movement to legalize it for the medical use is diferent than for the free use. I think a lot of people now on days smoke, some people do it for fun to be with friends (or alone), and some others do it not at the righ


schizophrenia is a group of disseases, that affect the perception of the sufferer, so him can not differentiate of what is real and what's not(psicosis), sometimes hearing voices, believing something firmly (delusions), etc. STATISTICS SAYs that at least 1% of the world pouplation have this dissease, no matter the age, the gender, the raze, to schizophrenia we are all equals. Most of the cases between the 15 to 30 stars to show the symptoms, I don't know the cause of the illnes but is said that ones of it are heditary's or ambient's factors. I is important to start a treatment as soon as it can be, so there will be more posibilities to respond well to it, and try to normalize the functional levels,farmacologically is treated with antipsicotics, but the objetives are to find the optimist dose to treat it, it also can be used psicotherapy to help the patient to recognise the dissease ore make him talk and let express. obviously it has an impact on the life of the sic

post graduate studies

I haven't thought about it yet cause I'm just a freshman at the career of chemistry, but when I finish my major, and before I get my degree I would like to do a postgraduate studies, and do an specialization on a certain area of chemistry, I want to do it on organic chemistry, cause it's my favourite part of this science and the one that made me fall in love with it. I would do the program of Ph degree of chemistry to complement with my studies of organic, because now on if you don't have a post graduate studies, it's harder to find job because specialized people are more qualified. Like I said before I haven't done a lot of research about this courses, and I don't know all the options available for me when I graduate. One thing I know for sure is that I would ove to do my post studies on another country, because I think that standing in Chile is not an option, because I would get stuck and not look forward for more, the country I don't know which ma

my dream job

when I was younger I was very hesitant about picking a career, I thought it was a really big choice and I couldn't just like something and pick it as the thing I want to do for the rest of my life. After years of thinking about it I, thought I love science, I hate literature and history, I want  to study something with chemistry, I really don't which area of the chemistry I want to work at, but at the moment I'm with desire of going to the analytical area, which is the part of chemistry that is in charge of the analysis, parting and quantification of the matery. this Job is very required in society now on days, it works with quantify the contaminants in the fruit and vegetables, the substances in the air that are dangerous for the health. Other part of the chemistry  I'm interest about is the teaching of this science, being a teacher was one of the things I've always liked to do, but the salary always take me down to do it. To be a chemical teacher, I would need th

the music in my life

when i was younger, i used to listen my dad playing the piano, he always played songs from elton john, he is such a great fan  of elton john that he called me after one of his songs, "Daniel", so music has a a big impact in my life, cause to me music is my conection to my dad. I will explain his a very busy man and he always works, but when he's not working he's playing piano sometimes, he plays songs of the beatles (my favorite band) and we sing together. I'm not like my dad I can't really play the piano, I'm not good with instruments, I tried to play the guitar, but the strings and the chords defeated me, so I'm learning to play the ukelele. Also I love the soung of the drums in the songs, and if I wasn't so uncoordinated and had rhythm, I would try to learn to play. I consider myself someone who likes every kind of music, well I think that if music can transmit something like a feeling, for example listenig to classical rock makes me